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State College, PA - Mike McQueary Puts House Up for Sale on Astini News

Mike McQueary, the embattled eyewitness who testified he saw Jerry Sandusky with a young boy in a locker-room shower in 2002, has put his State College house up for sale.

Kissinger, Bigatel and Brower Realtors are handling any potential transaction with the house, valued at $575,000. Agent Beth Richards declined comment Wednesday out of privacy for the McQueary family.

McQueary, the former wide receivers coach under Joe Paterno, remains on paid administrative leave, where he was placed Nov. 11 after Penn State President Rodney Erickson said it became clear he could not continue coaching.

McQueary testified in Harrisburg in December that he witnessed Sandusky directly behind a young boy against the wall in the Lasch Building showers in 2002. McQueary testified he did not see anal penetration, but he believed intercourse occurred because of the positioning of their naked bodies.

Sandusky, who maintains his innocence after being charged with more than 50 criminal counts in a child sexual abuse case, is awaiting trial. Judge John Cleland said he hoped a trial would start May 14.

McQueary, 37, has been a fixture in the State College community most of his life. He was the first State College High School quarterback to start at quarterback for Penn State, and he parlayed a graduate assistant position with the football program into a full-time coaching position in 2004.

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